Food Baskets - store raw food, some plant matter, or pile in drugs.Meal Tray Racks - efficient storage for meals.Medicine Cabinet - what it says on the box.Big Shelf - a shelf with enough space to store two items per cell.csproj file, or you can use monodevelop's UI to change these settings. All of these details are located in the.
I am using monodevelop 7.7 and msbuild on the Debian-based SolydX flavour of Linux. Change the Custom Commands for your system. Ensure the nupkg requirement for HugsLib is working. Ensure the Requirements/References point to your correct locations for the RimWorld Assembly-CSharp and UnityEngine dlls. If you want to build the project yourself, you will need to - at a minumum: The build project is designed for use on Linux in my personal laptop.
Put the LWM.DeepStorage folder (under _Mod) inside your game's Mod/ folder. HugsLib (load it first, as usual) or on github, etc. You can also write your own s if you don't like what I've done. Pallets, clothing racks, food storage trays, etc. This mod will be updating as I tweak items and fix bugs, but I wanted to make it available now that it's mostly working. An approach that got a lot harder with 1.0, BTW, but I like the results so far. Inspired by Skullywag's Extended Storage, this mod takes a different approach - storage buildings that pawns can simply carry multiple items to. LWM presents yet another way to deal with your storage needs: Deep Storage units!Ĭurrently available are multiple buildings that can store more than one object at a time. LWM's DeepStorage - a mod for RimWorld Deep Storage Units, yet another storage solution (that will likely be for some time).